Colour talk
You can gain quick insight into yourself with ‘Colour Talk’. Draw seven insight cards from the deck and place them in front of you. Then look up the corresponding questions in the book and get ready to be surprised. Start a conversation with yourself and discover what the cards say about you. They provide insight into emotions, blockades, talents, relationships, work and so on.
If you work as a therapist or (child)coach, or you just want to have an in-depth conversation with someone, ‘Colour Talk’ can help you ask the right questions. That which might otherwise remain hidden can become clear.
‘Colour Talk’ sounds cosy and the approach is accessible, but beware: it’s not just a card game! Colours will expose you and the cards and questions will lead you straight to the core.
Colour your life in balance
With this book I will take you on a true quest to find an emotional balance. I do this on the basis of a chakra colour diagnosis.
Only simple coloured pencils and colour schemes are needed to give surprising insights. As soon as a diagram is spontaneously coloured, it will say exactly how people feel. The colours expose all blockages and talents, but also give information about present and past.
This book is written for use by therapist but also anyone else who wants to gain insight into themselves. This book is highly recommended for anyone who works with people!
Unexpected visit
This book contains predictions about the present time. In 2008, Pim Fortuyn and Theo van Gogh said that the Netherlands would change beyond recognition and freedom would become a luxury product. I didn’t understand their words at the time. I thought they were talking about another country like China for example, but unfortunately nothing could be further away from the truth.
The book is written in a diary format with all channelings shown.
Death does not exist
In ‘Death does not exist’, we look at the boundaries between life and death. Themes such as encounters with the dead, aura lifters. Psychological problems caused by a negative energetic influence are explained in an accessible way. The stories are based on the author’s own experience or the clients from the authors practice.